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The CHIRP Blog

Nikki Stout writesCHIRP Champion: Jason Moody

Jason MoodyWelcome to our new volunteer feature: CHIRP Champions! We'll be using this space to highlight special folks within the CHIRP sphere who have been recognized by their peers for making extraordinary contributions to the organization. Next up is Graphic Designer Jason Moody!


What first drew you to get involved with CHIRP, and how long have you been with the organization? 

I was an ensemble member of a Chicago non-profit theater company from 2011-2021 (The Factory Theater). After I stepped away, I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands for creativity. There was also the need to belong to an organization with a bunch of like minded people again. I’d been a fan of CHIRP for many years so I thought I’d give it a shot. I’ve been with the station as a graphic designer and occasional DJ since June of 2022.

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Share October 19, 2024 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

KSanders writesKyle Sanders Goes to the 60th Annual Chicago International Film Festival

by Kyle Sanders

I've seen a lot of films, but up until now, I don't think I've ever heard of The Lollipop Cover. This 1965 drama is about an ex-boxer who hitchhikes from San Francisco to Los Angeles trying to track down a junkie who is not only responsible for his sister's suicide, but owes him money.

Coming along for the journey is a motherless nine-year-old girl abandoned by her father. This film with an icky synopsis is one part John Cassavetes feature, one part Afterschool Special, but perhaps it is most notable for being the very first Golden Hugo winner of the Chicago International Film Festival--sixty years ago!

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Categorized: Movies


CHIRP Radio writesCHIRP Radio Weekly Voyages (Oct 14 - Oct 20)

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CHIRP Radio writesCHIRP Radio Weekly Voyages (Oct 7 - Oct 13)

Upcoming Events:

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Clarence Ewing: The Million Year Trip writesCHIRP Radio Q&A With Tension Pets (Performing at CHIRP Night at the Whistler on 9/29)

Ghost Days

Chicago band Tension Pets will perform at CHIRP Night at the Whistler on Sunday September 29th. We recently caught up with the band ("...there’s no 'I' in 'Pets'") to ask a few questions.

So, What’s going on? Tell us about your current releases and/or upcoming shows (such as CHIRP Night at the Whistler!).

We are currently writing a slew of new songs that have us all super sparked up. Still high from the fumes on our debut release from this summer, CUBEY EP, but definitely excited to keep moving forward - we haven’t even celebrated our first show anniversary yet! We’ll definitely be playing a brand new one for the fortunate folks who come to CHIRP NIGHT AT THE WHISTLER ON SUNDAY 9/29.

How do you go about turning your thoughts, ideas, and feelings into sounds?

A healthy dose of “why not?!” goes into our collaborative song-writing. Some ideas might be too dumb to work but we’re honestly a bit surprised that more aren’t. We have a giant secret spreadsheet of absurd band names we were floating when we first got together, hundreds of rows long - sometimes we’ll take one of those names and make a song around it, ie; “3,000 Stooges”. Some are feelings-inspired…our song "Propylene Promises" stemmed from the exasperation of waiting to de-plane. We try to make each other laugh a lot.

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