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The CHIRP Blog

CHIRP Radio writesCHIRP Radio Weekly Voyages (Nov 18 - Nov 24)

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DJ M-Dash writesNeptune’s Core Goes to College

Some campus life, some study-at-home for Chicago’s most precocious indie band

by Andy Frye

From left: Sofia Richter (lead vocals), Jackie Cywinski (guitar/vocals), Hannah Richter (bass), and Kaitlin Cywinski (drums). Photo by Sloane Johnson (@sloaneshotit)

Young rockers Neptune’s Core have been breaking pretty much all the rules about what is supposed to happen when you’re in high school.

In much of America—even in the 2020s—it’s still all about student activities like band, chess club, sports, and a lot of school spirit, plus hitting the books, getting good grades, and nailing your best SAT and ACT scores.

But for this Chicago-based foursome, it’s been all that and more. More, meaning stuff like playing live at venues Metro, talking at music-related panel discussions like CHIRP Radio’s Independents Day at Schuba’s, or taking a week off of school to play the annual South By Southwest Festival (SXSW) in Austin, Texas.

Now, two of the indie band four members are away at college, shuffling through first-year survey courses and the lifestyle of college freshmen.

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CHIRP Radio writesCHIRP Radio Weekly Voyages (Nov 11 - Nov 17)

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Eddie writes6 Memorable Motion Picture Soundtracks From 1994

by Eddie Sayago

Despite what some might say, physical media is cool and essential. A CD or vinyl is a permanent timestamp on a piece of music that can have a lot of significance to the listener.

We are in an era where in theory we have access to everything, yet it also seems like nothing is here to stay. One day your favorite song or album could be pulled from the streaming services or even your own digital library if purchased from Apple or another vendor. And who knows when or if that remix of your favorite song to dance to from college will return.

For someone who has the space, energy, and money to have and build a physical music collection, it’s a privilege I don’t take for granted. One of my favorite activities to do on the weekend is to visit a record store and browse through the bins and boxes for something from a bygone era.

There are fewer joys than finding a beloved album in good to excellent condition, folk over the cash or card, bring it home and let yourself get lost in the music on your massive speakers or headphones.

Hopefully you can find that next great album at the upcoming CHIRP Record Fair & Other Delights, taking place for the final time on Saturday, November 9. Tickets can be purchased here.

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