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The CHIRP Blog

Kevin Fullam writesThe Fourth Wall: I Don’t Feel at Home In This World Anymore

Welcome to The Fourth Wall, CHIRP's e-conversation on cinema. This week's subject is the Netflix movieI Don’t Feel at Home In This World Anymore.

This edition is written by CHIRP Radio volunteers Kevin Fullam and Clarence Ewing.


Ruth (Melanie Lynsey), a nursing assistant in an unnamed town somewhere in America, is at a crisis. It's not just that other people suck, as evidenced by the many little things she experiences during her day that prove how selfish, thoughtless, and nasty humans are. It's how all those little things add up to one big thing, a black hole of Life that only leads to the other black hole of Death.

When someone breaks into her house and steals her sainted grandmother's silverware, an act the authorities respond to with almost complete apathy, Ruth decides that she's had enough. She takes matters into her own hands with the assistance of Tony (Elijah Wood), a loner neighbor with whom she's just made peace over dog poop. Together, they aim to find the people who have violated the sanctity of Ruth's property and then...well, they'll cross that bridge when they get to it. But at the end of that bridge are some nasty hombres led by a guy named Marshall (David Yow, who is also the lead singer for legendary noise rock band The Jesus Lizard).

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Categorized: The Fourth Wall

SKaiser writes@CHIRPRadio (Week of January 21)

Join us TONIGHT, January 23rd, for CHIRP Night at the Whistler with Little Church and Emily Jane Powers! There is no cover for this 21+ event, and Emily Jane Powers kicks it all off around 8:30pm.


Thursday, January 24th @ 9:00 PM | 21+ | CHIRP Radio 107.1 FM welcomes Mineral to Lincoln Hall

Click here to see more upcoming events


  • Features Director Amanda Mayo sits down with the dynamic duo, Meg and Eve, that make-up the band Seasaw
  • CHIRP volunteer Mick Reed sits down with members of power pop outfit The Safes, including brothers Frankie and Patrick O'Malley and bassist David Elliott


1. Arthhur – Lost in the Walled City (self-released)

2. The Transgressors – They Made Her a Criminal (Super Secret)

3. Mope Grooves – The Waves (See My Friends)

For a complete listing of the CHIRP Charts, click here!

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Categorized: Events Journal

Clarence Ewing: The Million Year Trip writes@CHIRPRadio (Week of January 14)

Upcoming Events

New Media

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SKaiser writes@CHIRPRadio (Week of December 31)



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Categorized: Events Journal

CHIRP Radio writesCHIRP Radio’s Top 10 Albums of 2018!

CHIRP Radio Best of 2018

Throughout December, CHIRP Radio presents its volunteers’ top albums of 2018.

All month we've been getting lists of our volunteers' favorite music for this year. They submitted over 200 albums for consideration - here are the 10 that were cited the most often. The top spot on the list goes to an artist who's been makiing records since 2007 and whose brilliant style speaks to inner and outer worlds that's very much of its time while pointing the way to the future.

From all of us at CHIRP Radio, thanks for your listenership and support, and here's to 2019!

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Categorized: Best Albums of the Year


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