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Clarence Ewing: The Million Year Trip writesJoin Us This Saturday at Evanston SPACE for Dolly Varden and Frisbie!

The CHIRP Radio 2020 concert calendar kicks off in Evanston on Saturday January 11 when we welcome local bands Dolly Varden and Frisbie to Evanston SPACE for an all-ages show at 8:00pm.

"For 18 years Dolly Varden has been wowing and charming audiences with the warm, sublime interplay of Steve’s and Diane’s voices (yes, they’re still married); the emotional potency, intelligence and undeniable melodicism of Steve’s songwriting; and the supple backing of supremely versatile guitarist Mark Balletto and the limber rhythm section of bassist Mike Bradburn and drummer Matt Thobe as the band encompasses rock, folk, country and R&B/gospel influences to create something solely its own. From the 1995 debut, Mouthful of Lies, through The Dumbest Magnets (2000) and The Panic Bell (2007), Dolly Varden has built a sizable, loyal fan base, and now listeners new and old can reap the considerable rewards of For a While. It’s an album that feels like it couldn’t have been created at any other point in the band’s history."

"Frisbie's debut, The Subversive Sounds of Love, was hailed as 'the power-pop album of the year." (Greg Kot, Chicago Tribune) the band has completed New Debut, a 40-minute burst of imaginative and affecting songs...In short, New Debut will kick you in the head and the pants."

Evanston SPACE is located at 1245 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL 60202. Tickets are available at the venue's Web site.

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Categorized: Event Previews


CHIRP Radio writesCHIRP Radio’s Top Ten Albums of 2019!

CHIRP Radio Best of 2019

All month we've been reviewing lists of our volunteers' favorite music for this year. Of the hundred of albums submitted for consideration, here are the 10 that were cited the most often.

This year the top spot on the list goes to a Chicago artist whose 2nd album made a strong impression on many of our volunteers since its release in May. Call it R&B, call it Neo-Soul, there's no denying its musical power and inspiration.

From all of us at CHIRP, THANK YOU for listening to and supporting independent radio, and Happy New Year!


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Share December 31, 2019 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Categorized: Best Albums of the Year


Shawn Campbell writesCHIRP Radio Best of 2019: Shawn Campbell

CHIRP Radio Best of 2019

Throughout December, CHIRP Radio presents its volunteers’ top albums of 2019. Our next list is from Founder and General Manager, DJ (Saturday 12-2pm) Shawn Campbell.

I've seldom tended to order my lists, and I didn't again this year with the exception of #1. I couldn't be happier for the year Lizzo has had!

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Categorized: Best Albums of the Year


DJ Mick writesCHIRP Radio Best of 2019: Mick Reed

CHIRP Radio Best of 2019

Throughout December, CHIRP Radio presents its volunteers’ top albums of 2019. Our next list is from volunteer and DJ Mick Reed.


In the three years that I’ve been with CHIRP this is the first year that I can say that I genuinely felt like the majority of the albums I listened to were excellent. Not just good, not just fair, but excellent. As a result, this was the hardest list I’ve had to compile yet. It pains me when I think of all the worthy albums I’m leaving off either because I haven’t full absorbed them yet, or because I just haven’t gotten around to checking them out. The first couple of weeks of 2020 are going to be spent doing some major catch up listening and I really relish the opportunity to do a deep dive into everything 2019 had to offer.

That’s not to say that 2019 didn’t have its duds though. While there were hundreds of phenomenal albums released this year for our listening pleasure, roughly half of the albums I was actually anticipating checking out ended up being either mediocre (Sudan Archives, Angel Olsen), not up to the artist’s potential (Pivot Gang, Chance the Rapper, Sleater-Kinney), “Whelp, we did an album” low-effort affairs (Tacocat), bed sh*tting embarrassments (In Flames, Fallujah), or boring to the point of feeling like a personal insult (Sun O)))). But, this is not about what I didn’t like, this is a celebration of what made 2019 a landmark year in music. So before I get all needlessly hung up on negativity, allow me to introduce my top 10 (plus 40ish) albums of the year.

I hope this list inspires you to check out some of the albums I’ve written about, or at least introduces you to an artist you didn’t realize you needed in your life (or just listen to whatever you like, it doesn’t bother me either way). Enjoy!

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Categorized: Best Albums of the Year


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