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Entries categorized as “Rediscovering Our Record Collections” 39 results

CHIRP DJ writesRediscovering Our Record Collections: Sloan’s “Twice Removed”

In 1994 I happened to have a decent local radio station still rollicking in its hey-day. That’s where I discovered Sloan. I remember hearing “Penpals” in the carpool home from school (when it was my turn to pick the radio station), wondering “Where is Algeria?” and “Who is this band?” It only took a few more glimpses on the radio to head over to Harmony House and pick up my first independent record, “Twice Removed” by Sloan. This was one of those records that I could play on repeat all day after school. It had a starring role on many mix tapes throughout high school. It made guest appearances throughout college and then kind of faded away into my CD collection.

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Share October 20, 2009 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Categorized: Rediscovering Our Record Collections

CHIRP DJ writesRediscovering Our Record Collections: Smoking Popes’ “Born To Quit”

Before our wedding, my wife and I went through our record collections to find songs that would fit not only on our wedding mix CD (which we gave out as a gift to our guests), but also songs that represent us as a couple. I somehow kept overlooking the Smoking Popes and their pop gems. At the 11th hour, it dawned on both of us that Mrs. You and Me would be a perfect song that would sit perfectly amongst the other songs we selected.

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Share October 6, 2009 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Categorized: Rediscovering Our Record Collections

CHIRP DJ writesRediscovering Our Record Collections: Lemonheads’ “It’s a Shame About Ray”

I remember 1990 pretty well. I was just really getting into punk rock and all of it’s connected genres and an older friend of mine loaned me his copy of “Hate Your Friends” by the Lemonheads. With the exception of their cover of “Amazing Grace,” that record was pretty solid. I dubbed the cassette and it went into the archives. A few years later, I was watching 120 Minutes on MTV and this pop-punk cover of the Simon and Garfunkel song, “Mrs. Robinson” was playing. I missed the opening credits, but was really intrigued, because it was really good. The end credits came on and it was the Lemonheads. I wasn’t sure if it was the same Lemonheads that my friend Dave had shown me, but they definitely were a band worth looking into.

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Share September 22, 2009 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Categorized: Rediscovering Our Record Collections

CHIRP DJ writesRediscovering Our Record Collections: Mudhoney’s “Superfuzz Bigmuff”

In 1990, a friend of mine walked into my high school cafeteria, in his ratty unbuttoned flannel shirt and matching ratty hair wearing a Mudhoney shirt. He looked like a combination of Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes and a moodier, dirtier Steve Albini. I was never sure where I stood with him, but no else really did either. He was either slightly just less than happy to see you, or entirely indifferent to your existence. That day, he was a bit more pleasant than usual and was enthused to tell me all about this great band he saw over the weekend. He demanded that I do myself the favor of finding the Superfuzz/BigMuff record. I did just that, mostly because I generally found his music taste agreeable with mine.

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Share September 14, 2009 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Categorized: Rediscovering Our Record Collections

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