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CHIRP Podcasts

Artist Interviews Tommy Kessler Interview

Tommy Kessler is a busy local singer/songwriter who released a full LP and a double EP in 2022, in addition to producing an entire ccompilation of local indie artists to benefit Brave Space Alliance. Features Co-Director Mick R. caught up with Tommy to talk about the origins and inspirations of his solo work, his distinctive color palette, and his string of recent releases. 

You can find the Weinder Tape compilation as well as Tommy Kessler's full catalog at on Tommy's BandCamp.

 "The main feedback I get is that [my music] sounds like me. That's the nicest thing anyone could possibly say about anyone's art, is that it sounds like them." - Tommy Kessler 

Produced by Mick R. 

Photo Credit: Katlyn Sansone Wentzel

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Topics: mick r., tommy kessler