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CHIRP Podcasts

Artist Interviews The Bollweevils Interview

Daryl Wilson is the lead singer of the seminal Chicago punk band The Bollweevils. Formed in 1989, the group has released many records and been through many iterations over the decades, but as Daryl shares in this interview with Features Department Co-Director Mick R, their latest album Essential is the best that the band has ever sounded. Tune in to hear how the record came together over the course of more than a decade, the band's awesome relationship with local punk label Red Scare, and why they'll never change their style. 

"It's our coming out party, to say 'Here's The Bollweevils!' ...  it epitomizes how far we've come... and you can hear it now in how it sounds, better than before." - Daryl Wilson, discussing the decision to re-record thier classic song "Bottomless Pit" for their new record Essential

Essential is out on Red Scare.

The Bollweevils will be playing a record release show with the Brokedowns on 5/27 at the Chop Shop. 

Produced by Mick R. 

Image Credit: Paul Catani

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Topics: bollweevils, mick r