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CHIRP Podcasts

Podcasts on the topic of “Interpretation” 1 results

Artist Interviews The First Time Four Amps Up CHIRP’s Live Storytelling Series

explicit language

The First Time Four is the house band at CHIRP’s quarterly storytelling series, The First Time. Steve Frisbie, Liam Davis, Gerald Dowd, and Scott Stevenson bring their considerable talent and experience together to provide a musical component to the series. But they’re more than just a cover band. They’re an essential part of the First Time experience.

produced by Dan Epstein (@radiovespa)

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Share October 10, 2016 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Topics: broadway, chicago, constraints, country, covers, folk, folk rock, gerald dowd, happy accidents, hip hop, interpretation, liam davis, live lit, martyrs', musicals, oddball, punk rock, quartet, rap, rock, scott stevenson, soul, steve frisbie, storytelling, surprise, the first time