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CHIRP Podcasts

Artist Interviews Slow Riser Interview

This week, Features Director Marjorie Alford speaks to Ian Young of Slow Riser about their recent release Midnight Talks. They discuss the birth and evolution of the project - including restructing from a trio to a duo and the pace change of creating through the pandemic - as well as the ins and outs of their live shows, and the truth in art of being a slow riser. 

"When Claire and I were talking about like overarching themes we landed on our own relationship to the night and how that changes over the years, how that changes depending on what time of year it was, how we feel mentally, all that stuff. So Midnight Talks is very much me trying to create a vignette of what it was to drive around small towns, growing up at night with my friends." - Ian Young

Produced by Jack Deubner.

Photo Credit: Slow Riser

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Topics: marjorie alford, slowriser