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CHIRP Podcasts

Artist Interviews Madame Reaper Interview

This week, Features co-director Marjorie Alford speaks with Kira Leadholm of Madame Reaper and the Gentlemen's Club. They talk about bringing this unique concept to life, the grant that helped fund the album, rounding out the band - AKA The Gentlmen's Club,  and why Madame Reaper is a sort of "gory robinhood." Madame Reaper's debut album Madame Reaper's Gentlemen's Club is out now. 

"I don't really listen to a lot of classical music anymore. But I think there are a lot of things that are just ingrained in me that kind of come up subciounciously. It must be living in my head rent free."  - Kira Leadholm on the ways her classical background seeps into her music. 


Produced by: Marjorie Alford

Photo Credit: Mo Tuesday

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