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CHIRP Podcasts

Artist Interviews Impulsive Hearts Interview 2024

This week Features contributor Alyssa Edes talks with Danielle Sines of Chicago-based bubblegrunge group Impulsive Hearts. They talk about friendship breakups, feeling ALL of your feelings, societal collapse, and the new album Fit 4 the Apocalypse. 

"It's sort of this mental preparation for the end of the world in my mind... Either I'm gonna get fit or I'm gonna stay in bed all day."  - Danielle Sines, on the new album Fit 4 the Apocalypse.

Fit 4 The Apocalypse is out now. Catch Impulsive Hearts at Andersonville Midsommar Fest Sunday, June 9, 2024 at 7p.m. on The Swedish Stage. And you can hear Danielle - AKA D Rock - on CHIRP Radio with The Apocalipstick Beatz - Tuesdays 12-3pm.

Produced by: Alyssa Edes
Photo Credit: Jovan Landry

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Topics: alyssa edes, bubblegrunge, impulsive hearts, indierock