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CHIRP Podcasts

Artist Interviews Honestly Same Interview

This week, Features co-director Marjorie Alford speaks with Zach Moore of Honestly Same. They discuss the makeup of the band, their unique and improvisational approach to music making, and the many other projects Honestly Same's members are attached to. 

"Making this kind of music I feel is theraputic to me ... Everything in our world is so optimized and prescribed and actually you can just make music very unpreciously. Just trusting yourself and trusting the people you're playing with, not being too caught up in the specifics but rather the space and the time that you're occupying together." - Zach Moore of Honestly Same  

Honestly Same's newest album Hot Plate Only, is streaming now on all platforms.

Produced by Marjorie Alford.

Photo Credit: Honestly Same

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Topics: #ambient, #djrexi, #electronic, #honestlysame, #marjoriealford