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CHIRP Podcasts

Artist Interviews goodkitty Interview

This week, Features contributor Alyssa Edes talks with Katie Colt of goodkitty. They discuss the multi-year process of creating the EP Picture Albums, learning to make art for oneself by trusting "the gut check," and the mom life of making music after 8 p.m. 

"To have completed this work, it's like I sent a message to myself which is, you are capable and you have something to contribute... I've given myself a gift and now other people get to open it too." - Katie Colt of goodkitty on the completion of her EP, Picture Albums

Singles of Holding on To You, Red, and Sabrina are out now. Picture Albums is out everywhere February 9, 2024.

Produced by Alyssa Edes

Photo Credit: Stephanie Jensen

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Topics: alyssaedes, goodkitty, indie rock