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CHIRP Podcasts

First Time: First Pass - Michael A. Van Kerckhove

Michael A. Van Kerckhove is a native Detroiter and long-time Chicagoan. His writing has appeared in Belt Magazine, Entropy, Freeze Ray Poetry, and March X-ness, among other publications. He has told stories in other fine Chicago storytelling events including Essay Fiesta, I Know this Much is True, Is This a Thing?, Mortified, You're Being Ridiculous, and many more.

For that "describe yourself in three fictional characters" game, he's gone with Luke Skywalker, Edward Scissorhands, and Ally McBeal. But would now like to also acknowledge his inner Ted Lasso and Mrs. Maisel. Or maybe he's just sad those shows are over. This too shall...pass.

Learn more at and follow him at @mvankerckhove (Twitter & Instagram) and his neglected TikTok @genxscorpio.

The First Time is a live lit and music series recorded at Martyrs in Chicago's North Center neighborhood. Each reader tells a true first tale, followed by any cover of the storyteller's choosing, performed by our house band, The First Time Three.

The First Time is hosted by Jenn Sodini. Produced by Bobby Evers, Andy Vasoyan, and Julie Mueller. Podcast produced by Andy Vasoyan. Recorded by Tony Baker.

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Topics: first time, storytelling, van kerckhove