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CHIRP Podcasts

First Time: First Comeback - Shannon Cason

Shannon Cason has shared his stories all over the country. Shannon is a host, MainStage storyteller and GrandSlam champion with The Moth. He is a regular on Snap Judgment; awarded their Best Performance Award. Shannon has appeared on countless podcasts and storytelling stages, including TEDx, RISK!, Third Coast Festival, Podcast Movement, and upcoming film projects.

He hosts his own long-running storytelling podcast, Shannon Cason’s Homemade Stories. Shannon also hosted two other podcasts -The Trouble with Shannon Cason (WBEZ) & In Good Company Detroit. His storytelling has been featured in the anthology, The Moth Presents: All These Wonders.

CHIRP Radio’s Live Lit and Music series, ‘The First Time’, is unlike any storytelling show in Chicago. It pairs our readers' personal stories about a first-time experience with a song performance. This unique structure allows the story to resonate with audience members as they experience the accompanying song covered by our house band, live at Martyrs in Chicago's North Center neighborhood.

Show hosted by Jenn Sodini; produced by Julie Mueller & Bobby Evers. Podcast recorded by Tony Baker, Andy Vasoyan, and Alex Stone; produced by Jenn Rourke.

CHIRP Radio · Shannon Cason: First Time, First Comeback

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Topics: first comeback, first time, live lit, shannon cason, storytelling