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CHIRP Podcasts

First Time: First Ask - Hope Rehak

Hope Rehak is a lifelong Chicagoan who keeps leaving and coming back. She sometimes lives in LA, but is thrilled to be here today. She used to be young and perform stand-up before the pandemic and is now an agèd hermit.

She regularly teaches comedy and creative writing online and in person. She wrote this bio when she was single so feel free to flirt harmlessly. 

The First Time is a live lit and music series recorded at Martyrs in Chicago's North Center neighborhood. Each reader tells a true first tale, followed by any cover of the storyteller's choosing, performed by our house band, The First Time Three.

The First Time is hosted by Jenn Sodini. Production by Andy Vasoyan and Executive Producer Bobby Evers. Podcast produced by Andy Vasoyan. Recorded by Tony Baker.

CHIRP Radio ยท First Time: First Ask - Hope Rehak

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Topics: first time, hope rehak, storytelling