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CHIRP Podcasts

First Time First Chance - Lily Be

Contains explicit language

Lily Be is a momma, a nanny, a friend, and a storyteller. She's a wise Mexican badass from Humboldt Park with a straight from the hip style of storytelling that has made her stand out in the storytelling community. She is the first Latina Moth GrandSLAM champion, WNEP Maelstrom champ, The Spotty Truth Late Night Storytelling champ, and host/producer of The Stoop the last Thursday of each month at Rosa's Lounge. There is really nothing a bio can tell you about Lily Be that her stories can't do better.

Podcast produced by Dan Epstein

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Topics: crisis, gerald dowd, liam davis, live lit, loss, recovery, reinvention, steve frisbie, storytelling, tightrope