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CHIRP Podcasts

Artist Interviews Fire-Toolz Interview

Fire-Toolz is an experimental music project from Chicago-based producer, composer, and multi-instrumentalist Angel Marcloid. In this interview with Features Co-Director Mick R., she discusses how her spiritualism informs her work, responses to her latest album I am upset because I see something that is not there, and her complicated relationship with vaporwave. 

I am upset because I see something that is not there is out on Hausu Mountain Records.

"My earliest memories are of people not really knowing what to do with me.  I'm used to not being understood. That's always been really hard for me, but I can't be inauthentic and conform, or else I feel like I'm suffocating." - Angel Marcloid

Produced by Mick R. 

Image Credit: Eliza Janus

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Topics: fire-toolz, mick r