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CHIRP Podcasts

Chicago Theatre Off Book Chicago Theatre Off Book: Oct. 28, 2011 Ed.

It’s another round of Chicago Theatre Off Book! This week, we review local theatre offerings that are kicking it up, blasting it off, and twanging it down.

Later, we’ll chat with Sideshow Theatre and The Lyric Opera of Chicago about the excitement around their 2011/2012 Season. And of course, we’re featuring two local playwrights in our one-minute audio play segment, Got A Minute? Have a listen and let us know what you think!

Shot word of the show: passion.

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Chicago Theatre Off Book Chicago Theatre Off Book: Oct. 21, 2011 Ed.

It’s another round of Chicago Theatre Off Book! This week, we review local theatre offerings that are burning up the stage with fire, heat, and smolder. Later, we’ll chat with Timeline and Stage 773 about the excitement around their 2011/2012 Season. And of course, we’re featuring two local playwrights in our one-minute audio play segment Got A Minute? Have a listen and let us know what you think!

Shot word of the show: curious.

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Artist Interviews Art Brut

Eddie Argos will always let you know what’s on his mind. Throw on any of Art Brut’s first 3 albums, or visit his Twitter page, and take in an endless slurry of his thoughts as they come to him.

Now on their fourth full length album Brilliant! Tragic!, Eddie did something he had never done before as Art Brut’s frontman: he started singing, an idea he got from an indie rock legend.

CHIRP’s own Blake Burkhart had a chance to talk with Eddie about lyrics, tweets and comics.

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Chicago Theatre Off Book Chicago Theatre Off Book: Oct. 14, 2011 Ed.

It’s another round of Chicago Theatre Off Book! This week, we review local theatre offerings focused on different cultures: the Amish, the French, and the Opera-goer. Later, we’ll chat with Steep and Goodman about the excitement around their 2011/2012 Season. And of course, we’re featuring two local playwrights in our one-minute audio play segment, Got a Minute? Have a listen and let us know what you think!

Shot word of the show: love.

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Chicago Theatre Off Book Chicago Theatre Off Book: Oct. 7, 2011 Ed.

It’s another round of Chicago Theatre Off Book! This week, we review local theatre offerings about family dysfunction, community dysfunction, and artistic dysfunction. Later, we’ll chat with Lifeline and Lookingglass about the excitement around their 2011/2012 Season. And of course, we’re featuring two local playwrights in our one-minute audio play segment, Got A Minute? Have a listen and let us know what you think.

Shot word of the show: transfixed.

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