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CHIRP Podcasts

Artist Interviews Bev Rage & the Drinks Interview

This week, Features contributor Ronald Pagan speaks with Bev Rage of Chicago's own queer garage pop band, Bev Rage & the Drinks. They discuss their upcoming full length album, Exes and Hexes, the expansion of their member lineup, the refining of their sound while retaining their sense of humor, queer diversity in the music scene in Chicago, and the importance of showcasing their humor and being a highly visual band in the form of music videos.

"Everything I write on this album is either coming from a true place or an exaggerated piece of truth that happened in my real life. I find most of my lyric writing comes from real life things that I've experienced. So everything you hear on this album, it's all real." - Bev Rage

Produced by Adalyn Staats.

Photo Credit: Dan Jarvis

CHIRP Radio ยท Bev Rage & the Drinks Interview

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Topics: bev rage, bev rage and the drinks, ronald pagan