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CHIRP Podcasts

Artist Interviews Artie Do Good Interview

This week, Features director Marjorie Alford speaks with Chicago based experimental pop artist  Chris Misch-Bloxdorf who performs under the name Artie Do Good. They discuss the history of the name Artie and the intentional ambiguity of "Do Good", the genesis of his current project Socialist Dance Party an homage to Chicago's labor roots, how the algorithm blessed Chris with information on the IWW one fateful afternoon, and the singles Bread and Roses  and Three Miles Down

“We all deserve the things that bring us comfort, and things that we need to live and exist in this world, but also we all deserve to live and enjoy the world for all it has to offer. “ Artie Do Good.

Socialist Dance Party is available Labor Day 2024.

Produced by Marjorie Alford. 

Photo Credit: Kenneth Charles Leftridge Jr. 

CHIRP Radio ยท Artie Do Good Interview

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Topics: artie do good, experimental, marjorie alford, pop music