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Current DJ: Klee
Built to Spill Carry the Zero from Carry the Zero EP (Warner Bros) Add to Collection
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In our next installment of What CHIRP Radio Means to Me, one of our sustaining members talks about what is missing in traditional radio these days and how CHIRP helps to fill that need.
10 years ago I traded in FM for an IPOD and 5 years ago fell in love with Pandora. I’ve Groovesharked, Spotified, and then this past summer was turned on to I don’t think I’ve hooked up an antenna on a stereo I’ve bought in that time. Over the years I would still turn on the radio (typically in a rental car), and keep hitting scan until I got past the Top 40 (and usually end up on NPR).
A cool girl turned me on to CHIRP at a coffee shop this past summer, and I’ve listened to it ever since. There’s something missing in music these days that CHIRP brings back, which is the human touch of radio with the benefits of technology. You constantly learn about new music wherever you are along with the people who make it (which is important these days). The best part is you hear about it from real people that think about music day in and day out, and they do it for free, because they love music just like you do. I donate to CHIRP because it, the people who run it, and the music they play are all badass.
—Jarrett OBrien
Badass sustaining member since 2011
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Next entry: Friday iPod/MP3 Shuffle—Happy Birthday Damon Albarn Edition
Previous entry: CHIRP + Coach House Sounds Present: Deadbeat