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Current DJ: Michael B.
Pro Found & Cynical Andromeda from Wonder Boy EP (self-released) Add to Collection
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Recently, the Chicago arts community has been witness to events at the (now closed) Profiles Theatre, whose artistic director engaged in a pattern of bullying and sexual harassment of cast and crew members. All credit is due to the individuals who came forward to talk about what happened, as well as those who organized and provided support for the victims. Illegal actions like the ones at Profiles happen in all industries and professions. But there's strength in community and a network of people willing to help.
Remember, harassment in a workplace is a form of discrimination, which is illegal under Illinois law. If you need more information or help regarding bullying or sexual harassment where you work, the Illinois Legal Aid site is a good place to start. They have a directory of local organizations that can help you if you need it. You have rights...Don't wait.
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