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The CHIRP Blog

Bobby Evers writesSame Time, Next Year: My 12 Years of Going To Pitchfork (Part 3)

written by Bobby Evers

On the third day of Pitchfork, my true love gave to me: dancing with my friends, no brief evacuation and no warning of a heat advisory.

In the early afternoon of the Sunday of Pitchfork 2019, I got off the red line at Jackson to transfer to the pink line. At this particular CTA station, the escalator had stopped working and was blocked off, with a sign that said “We’re restoring your escalator!” Every time I see this, of course, I am reminded of the Mitch Hedberg "sorry for the convenience" joke. It was still raining when I got to the Ashland pink line stop, despite the fact that the forecast said only a 15% chance of rain. Surely this will add a fine muddy texture to everything.

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Clarence Ewing: The Million Year Trip writes@CHIRPRadio (Week of Sept. 16)


  • We are now in the 2nd week of the CHIRP Radio 2019 Fall Fundraiser! Our goal is $25,000 by Friday evening. Support community radio by going to and making a contribution!

Top of the CHIRP Charts

1.  Ezra Furman – Twelve Nudes (Bella Union)

2.  Sleater-Kinney – The Center Won't Hold (Mom+Pop)

3.  Sheer Mag – A Distant Call (Wilsuns)

Click here to see the complete list of 50 albums that made this week’s charts as well as new music recently added to CHIRP’s library.

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Categorized: CHIRP Radio News and Info.

Clarence Ewing: The Million Year Trip writes@CHIRPRadio (Week of Sept 3)


  • Thursday, September 5: The autumn live music season kicks off with the next edition of CHIRP's Local Music Showcase with Lever, Drew Neely & The Heroes, and Pylons!
  • Saturday, September 7: CHIRP Radio presents the Chicago Bike Revolution in Humbolt Park


Share September 3, 2019 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

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Clarence Ewing: The Million Year Trip writes@CHIRPRadio (Week of August 26)



Top of the CHIRP Charts

1.  Lever – Douse (Midwest Action)

2.  Bryony Jarman-Pinto – Cage and Aviary (Tru Thoughts)

3.  Lunch Lady – Angel (Upset the Rhythm)

Click here to see the complete list of 50 albums that made this week’s charts as well as new music recently added to CHIRP’s library.

Share August 27, 2019 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Categorized: CHIRP Radio News and Info.

Bobby Evers writesSame Time, Next Year: My 12 Years of Going To Pitchfork (Part 2)

written by Bobby Evers

On the second day of Pitchfork, my true love gave to me...a brief evacuation and a warning of a heat advisory.

As of this past July, I have been coming to Pitchfork for 12 years. I guess technically that is actually 13 festivals. I first heard of the festival in 2007 when my then-girlfriend Laura suggested we drive down to Chicago to see it. Iron & Wine. Cat Power. Even Yoko Ono, definitely a bucket list, must-see-before-you-die personality.

In 2007 I was in a rut; I was a year out of my college bubble, living “in real life” in a small city in Minnesota, not a lot of friends or job prospects, creatively stunted. I knew I needed a change. I had a college friend in Chicago named Stevo who said we could stay with him while we were in town for the fest. He also said there was going to be a room opening up in their apartment and I should definitely consider moving to Chicago. That sounded like too much at the time, but I assured him I would keep it in mind.

The plan was to drive from Rochester, MN to Appleton, WI in my car, hang out a day or two at Laura’s, then drive in Laura’s car to Chicago for the fest. I remember making a road mix that earnestly featured Sufjan Stevens song “Chicago” prominently. When I got to Troy street just south of Diversey, I was blown away by how picturesque the brownstones were, shaded under a line of tall trees. What if this was my street? I wondered. We found out that Stevo had not gotten a ticket for himself to attend the fest with us, and we would have to find our own way there. We were too nervous to drive there and didn’t want to deal with figuring out the deeply complex and unnavigable CTA (transferring from one line to another? Surely we would mess it up somehow). In our defense, for whatever reason that particular weekend the pink line wasn’t stopping at the Ashland stop, so taking the train seemed out of the question anyway.

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