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Alex writesCHIRP Radio Best of 2014: Alex

CHIRP Radio Best of 2014

Throughout December, CHIRP Radio presents its volunteers’ top albums of 2014. Our next list is from DJ Alex.

I try to make sure I always preface these lists by saying these are merely my favorite records of 2014. By no means do I claim that these are the best albums of the year because A) it's a matter of taste and more importantly B) I have not heard every record that came out in 2014 and there is a really great chance that something I've yet to discover would've ended up on this list.

#1Lost In The Dream by The War On Drugs (Dead Oceans)
The War On Drugs Lost In The DreamBUY: Reckless / Permanent / iTunes / Insound / Amazon

#2House of Spirits by The Fresh & Onlys (Mexican Summer)
Fresh and Onlys House of SpiritsBUY: Reckless / Permanent / iTunes / Insound / Amazon

#3Shrink Dust by Chad VanGaalen (Sub Pop)
Chad VanGaalen Shrink DustBUY: Reckless / Permanent / iTunes / Insound / Amazon

#4It's Album Time by Todd Terje (Olsen)
Todd Terje It's Album TimeBUY: Reckless / Permanent / iTunes / Insound / Amazon

#5Singles by Future Islands (4AD)
Future Islands SinglesBUY: Reckless / Permanent / iTunes / Insound / Amazon

#6Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son by Damien Jurado (Secretly Canadian)
Damien Jurado Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal SonBUY: Reckless / Permanent / iTunes / Insound / Amazon

#7Luck by Tom Vek (Island/Downtown/Cooperative)
Tom Vek LuckBUY: Reckless / Permanent / iTunes / Insound / Amazon

#8Attica! by Wussy (Shake It)
Wussy Attica!BUY: Reckless / Permanent / iTunes / Insound / Amazon

#9HEAL by Strand of Oaks (Dead Oceans)
Strand of Oaks HEALBUY: Reckless / Permanent / iTunes / Insound / Amazon

#10Kenny Dennis III by Serengeti (Joyful Noise)
Serengeti Kenny Dennis IIIBUY: Reckless / Permanent / iTunes / Insound / Amazon

Serengeti just bumped Hamilton Leithauser off this list for me, but I really wanted to include his latest, Black Hours. I also considered:

Both Eno + Hyde releases

Slow Club - Complete Surrender

Run The Jewels - Run The Jewels 2

Perfume Genius - Too Bright

King Tuff - Black Moon Spell

Sylvan Esso - Sylvan Esso


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