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The CHIRP Blog

Shawn Campbell writesA heads-up on the CHIRP Record Fair & Other Delights

Big fun! The CHIRP Record Fair and Other Delights returns for a 7th year…but this time, we’re in a brand new location — the Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Union, 1340 W. Washington Blvd. We’re extremely excited about our new home — all dealers will be in one big room, and we even have a parking lot! In addition to all the great vinyl dealers, live music and DJs, and tasty food, we’ll have some added fun and games this year, details TBA.

Mark your calendars for April 18th and 19th, because it’s going to be a good time!

By the way, if you’re sitting in a vinyl or CD collection that you no longer want, the CHIRP Record Fair is a great time to rid yourself of unwanted music. You have two options — rent a table from us and make a bit of extra money selling your wares, or, if you don’t feel like going to that trouble, donate your collection to CHIRP, and we’ll take care of the rest.

If you’re interested in being a dealer, you can download the contract here. If you want to donate you collection, e-mail chirp (at)

Share February 24, 2009 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Categorized: CHIRP Radio News and Info.


CHIRP DJ writesBottle Up and Explode: P.A. in Record Stores!

I’ve been getting my dose of internet humor almost solely from a few blogs recently: It’s Lovely, I’ll Take It!, which is all about disturbing real estate listings, Vintage Microwave, which is all about disturbing free stuff on Craigslist, the “blog” of “unnecessary” quotations marks which, well… and finally, Passive Aggressive Notes, a blog dedicated to collecting and posting “painfully polite and hilariously hostile writings from shared spaces the world over.”

Some recent gems from P.A. Notes include this snippet of fashion advice for the ladies, and this back and forth taped to a candy machine.

My downstairs neighbor’s dog has been barking for weeks, but because of my now hyper-awareness of the hilarity and ineffectiveness of taped-up notes, I’ve been waiting for a good time to talk to her face-to-face about it. I’m not the kind of person who leaves passive aggressive notes, I say to myself.

Then my friend Nate brought this P.A. posting to my attention:

top five musical crimes perpetuated by record store customers in the 90s and 2000s

Aaaah! I never worked in a record store (well, I did, it just wasn’t the kind you could tape notes up in), but I did spent a stint as an angry bookstore clerk in Wicker Park (oh, you know where). The store had many arbitrary rules (no photography, no cell phones, re-shelve the books or we charge a one-dollar re-shelving fee), which necessitated the posting of many passive aggressive signs, several of which I myself wrote!

At the time I didn’t think my notes crossed the line, but with a few years’ distance, I can see them for what they truly are: passive aggressive. (My current favorite note, which didn’t exist while I worked there, is this posting about the photography rule, with a passive aggressive nod to customers’ Flickr accounts.)

Nevertheless, I have to say I savor the stereotypical rudeness — written or otherwise — I encounter in mom and pop shops. For what is Reckless Records without the constant debate over whether the clerk on the other side of the counter is rolling his eyes at you? (I’m not making this up: search the Yelp listing for the word “judgmental” or “holier-than-thou” and see for yourself.)

So I say long live record store P.A.! Record shopping is just a little too sterile without it.

Share February 22, 2009 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Categorized: Post Mix


CHIRP DJ writesA Look at Rahsaan Roland Kirk

Amidst all the RIP notices (Lux Interior, Blossom Dearie, Touch & GO Distro…..) I thought maybe we should post something a bit more upbeat. My good friend Chris Sienko recently tracked down the final two Roland Kirk albums that he was missing for his collection, and emailed me about an article he wrote about Kirk for Blastitude.

As he describes it, “The article contains 28 capsule reviews of Kirk’s canonical albums (not counting bootlegs or posthumous CDs released after his death). It is originally sourced from two lengthy emails sent to Blastitude’s editor-in-chief, Larry Dolman, explaining what I had been listening to obsessively for the last 8 months or so. If it reads like a breathless, middle-of-the-night email, that’s because it basically is (cleaned up a bit and augmented later for print-readiness).”

Definitely well worth a read, and if you haven’t heard Kirk’s “Domino”, I suggest you do yourself a favor and check it out!

Share February 20, 2009 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Categorized: Post Mix


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