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CHIRP Podcasts

Podcasts on the topic of “Chicago Rap” 4 results

Artist Interviews Ric Wilson Interview

This week Features Co-Director Mick R spoke with Chicago hip hop artist Ric Wilson about his new collaborative EP with Terrance Martin, They Call Me Disco, and got Ric's thoughts on the recent BLM organized protests and why he doesn't let a lack of social progress in this country get him down. It's a fun, energetic, and poignant conversation with one of Chicago's true up-start icons.

You can get a copy of They Call Me Disco on BandCamp.

Produced by Mick R.

Photo Credit: Ric Wilson

CHIRP Radio ยท Ric Wilson Interview

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Share September 27, 2020 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Topics: chicago rap, mick r., ric wilson

Marantz Moon

Chicago rapper Marantz Moon talks with CHIRP Radio interviewer Lesley Gwam about his new album, "Currency Exchange" - how a hiatus from music showed him how much he wanted to pursue it, and how his dad's incarceration influenced his music.

Produced by Jenn Rourke

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Share June 3, 2018 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Topics: chicago rap, interview, interviews, jenn rourke, lesley gwam, maranta moon, rap

Artist Interviews Kweku Collins

After opening Lollapalooza 2017, Evanston native Kweku Collins met up with Dylan Peterson to talk about moving into a segregated Chicago, channeling Karen O and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and making music about Dylan's girlfriend, Rose.

Kweku Collins makes his homecoming at Space on November 25th, for Red Bull Sound Select's 30 Days in Chicago.

produced by Dylan Peterson (@_dylanclub_)

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Share November 5, 2017 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Topics: 30 days in chicago, chicago rap, dylan peterson, evanston, kweku collins, local music, yeah yeah yeahs

Artist Interviews ShowYouSuck

CHIRP's Cher Vincent sat down with Clinton Sandifer, a.k.a. ShowYouSuck, at his home in Edgewater. Kindred spirits in their love for the early MTV days, they discussed discovering hip-hop later in life, Clinton's social awkwardness, and internalizing awesome moments.

produced by Mickey Capper

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Share November 24, 2013 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Topics: cher vincent, chicago, chicago rap, hip hop, local bands, local music, mickey capper, pizza party, showyousuck, underground hip hop