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Podcasts on the topic of “Coffee” 1 results

First Time First Taste - Maggie Kubley

explicit language

Maggie Kubley is a multidisciplinary performer and musician who creates confessional solo theater pieces and performative piano pop and aggressive girl pop as part of Celine Neon, a grime pop duo out of Chicago. Since 2006, Kubley has performed both her music and theater projects in a wide variety of venues, bars, living rooms, clubs, basements, and theaters throughout the city. Her work focuses primarily on love, death, addict tendencies, and sex/romance and has has been featured in the The Chicago Tribune, Chicagoist, The Redeye, and Gaperʼs Block.


produced by Dan Epstein and Brian Heath

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Topics: aerosmith, celine neon, chicago, coffee, donuts, dunkin donuts, first time, flirting, gerald dowd, liam davis, live lit, martyrs', scott stevenson, sex, steve frisbie, storytelling