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The CHIRP Blog

Tony Breed writesWhat CHIRP Means to Me: Tony Breed

Somebody has to do it — for every little thing it takes to run a station, somebody has to do it, or there would be no station. Fortunately there are over 250 somebodies volunteering for CHIRP, so most of the time things go smoothly. As a member of the CHIRP Board of Directors, though, it's my responsibility to jump in when they don't. And it's been a little more difficult than usual this past winter, with the repeated polar vortices and exceptional amounts of snow.

Recently I got a frantic phone call at 6 a.m. from the first-shift DJ telling me that they were unable to get into the CHIRP studios because the front door was jammed. Perhaps there was a better solution than me rushing to the station with a hammer in hand, but I have had experience un-jamming this particular door before, not to mention that I don't always think clearly first thing in the morning. But I didn't mind — it's part of the job — it's part of my job — and somebody has to do it. Another time I found out at 11:55 a.m. that the noon DJ couldn't come in, and the lead-in DJ couldn't stay to cover the next shift. Since I already had the day off, I grabbed my coat and ran over to the CHIRP studios to pull a surprise 3-hour DJ shift. Somebody had to do it, not to mention that DJ'ing is fun and I always enjoy the time I get to spend on-air.

I am thrilled to be a part of this organization, to help out by keeping things running smoothly and jumping in to assist when they do not. I'm really glad that this station exists. I listen to it constantly, and I am committed to keeping it thriving. At times that means running to the station at 6 a.m. to fix a door, but sometimes it's as simple as making a donation so CHIRP can continue in providing you with the live, local and commercial-free listening experiences that you can't find anywhere else. In this case, it means creating a special incentive to encourage others to donate to CHIRP... which reminds me — if you donate $25 or more today and mention that I sent you, you'll receive a mix CD with original cover art designed by me, Tony Breed.

Thank you so much for making what we do possible.

Share March 27, 2014 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

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