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The CHIRP Blog

Karin Fjellman writesRSVP for the CHIRP Record Crawl, this Sunday!

UPDATE: RSVP slots for the CHIRP Record Crawl are SOLD OUT! You still can join in the crawl, but you most likely won’t be able to get a special discount badge. Also important for those of you who have RSVPed — you must be on hand by 11AM to claim your “golden ticket” badge. If you haven’t claimed your badge by 11:15AM, we’ll give unclaimed badges to others who are present. Thanks for your help on this!

This Sunday, CHIRP and friends will spend the afternoon shopping a specially curated route of record stores. Follow our twitter to find out where the crawlers are!

START 11am: Atomix Coffee Shop, 1957 W Chicago Ave
Get your badge and enjoy some coffee at 10% off!

END 6pm: After-party, Laurie’s Planet of Sound, 4639 North Lincoln Ave
Eat, drink and listen to great music curated by fellow crawlers and you! Donations encouraged for food and drinks.


  • 11am Atomix Coffee Shop, 1957 W Chicago Ave —> Permanent Records, 1914 W Chicago Ave
  • 2pm Lunch Break
  • 3:30pm saki, 3716 W Fullerton Ave

**Arrival times may vary due to travel.

Share November 12, 2011 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

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Next entry: Having a Blast at the CHIRP Record Crawl

Previous entry: Friday iPod/MP3 Shuffle—Happy Birthday Andy Partridge Edition