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The CHIRP Blog

SKaiser writesHere’s to Independent Media

Here's a good reason why we're here: independent media. We may love living in the land of the free but when the United States owns 90% of these ten global media companies, you may stop and ask yourself what type of filter are only a few hundred executives using to feed the world. If you're here, then you're probably thinking the same thing as us: who needs that kind of repetitive, predictably commercialized uninspiring cow dung?

Think of the first song you'll carry forever. It's likely more than one comes to mind. We know music is powerful in changing people but we're lucky it doesn't stop there. Maybe it's a film, a photograph, painting, or simply someone telling a story without music or art that awakens something inside. The narratives included in our diverse self-expressions propel us forward, from all over the world. Why should we settle for anything less?

Okay, so we went macro, now let's bring it back home. We're CHIRP Radio: a volunteer-driven community radio station focused on local music, arts and culture. The city is a key part of everything we do. CHIRP volunteers and staff are people from all walks of life committed to the exciting diversity of those around us. We have an exciting year in front of us. CHIRP is five years old, we've grown to roughly 240 volunteers, and we're building the broadcast operation at 107.1FM in the warm months of the year. Pick an event to join us in celebration!

Here's an opportunity to support us. Please visit and contribute. Or consider becoming a sustaining member and receive sweet CHIRP gear. We love you, thank you. 

Now raise your hand (or wallet!) for CHIRP Radio!!!

Share March 19, 2015 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

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