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Clarence Ewing: The Million Year Trip writesFriday MP3 Shuffle - Happy Birthday Keith Flint Edition

Today we wish a very Happy Birthday to Keith Flint, lead vocalist for the band The Prodigy. This group helped pioneer the Big Beat electronic music sub-genre in the ‘90s with a sound that, like the mighty shark, hasn’t evolved much over time, mainly because it hasn’t had to. Their fundamentally loud, abrasive, scorching sound doesn’t lend itself to mainstream consumption. It's music for raving, and Flint’s Punk-as-@$!*, trouble-in-mind voice is a perfect front for the assault. Let’s wish him a Happy B-Day (and good luck with the band’s new album, The Day Is My Enemy, coming out next week) by taking your MP3 player, pressing the "shuffle" button, and sharing the first 10 songs you hear:

1. “Kebab” by Tar (1988-1995) - Some satisfying Post-Hardcore meat and potatoes…for your ears! Yet another great band I never would have known about if not for CHIRP Radio.

2. “Hail to the Haze” by Iron Man (South of the Earth) - Black-Sabbath-inspired Metal by a band whose longevity you have to respect. Find what you love and do it over and over, and happiness will be yours.

3. “Shaving My Neck” by Gene Loves Jezebel - This is the demo recording that broke the band back in ’82, to the eternal gratitude of Goth heads everywhere.

4. “You’re Mine” by The Black Angels (Indigo Meadow) – Rock that's quite psychedelic and playful, very much a '60s hippie-ish vibe, but tougher, like a darker version of the Monkees.

5. “Cuscutta” by Landmarks (Landmarks EP) –Soothing bedroom electronia to clear your headspace

6. “When We’re Dancing” by Twin Shadow (Forget) – He's got a new album coming out, which I'm looking forward to hearing. Forget was a nice addition to the synth-pop revival of a couple of years ago.

7. “The Message” by MIA (MAYA) – Personally, I'm still on the fence about MIA (the antics tend to get more attention than the music), but there are some very good songs on this album. This is the intro that talks about how The Google is connected to The Government.

8. “Wax Dummy” by The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion (Freedom Tower: No Wave Dance Party 2015) – Currently in rotation on CHIRP Radio. I like this album a lot. Excellent music to drink cheap beer to.

9. “Strictly Reserved for You” by Charles Bradley (Victim of Love) – Let Charles Bradley spend a few minutes talking to you and your day will be better, no matter what mood you're in. What a voice.

10. “Someday” by Vashti Bunyan (Some Things Just Stick in Your Mind – Singles and Demos 1964 to 1967) – Another great voice in a different genre, coming back to the music scene after a 30 year break. It's the kind of music to listen to if you're alone on a winter's day, wistfully looking out the window.




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