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Current DJ: Alex Archibeque
The London Suede Beautiful Ones from Coming up (Nude Records) Add to Collection
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It doesn't get any more Punk than The Dead Milkmen. From their early days in the early '80s hardcore scene, the band has set the standard for how to make Punk not just loud, but fun. If you don't know "Bitchin' Camaro" or "Punk Rock Girl," there's hope for you, but you really should.
The band will be performing this Thursday at House of Vans (113 N Elizabeth St. 60607) for the latest installment of the Vans House Parties series, where the headliner pixks the supporting acts (inclkuding one unsigned act) and also creates a personalized visual experience for the audience.
Youth Code, Caustic, and The San Andreas Fault join in the fun. It's an 18+ show. Doors open at 6:30pm. Click here to RSVP.
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