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The CHIRP Blog

SKaiser writes@CHIRPRadio (Week of August 14)


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Categorized: Events Journal

Kevin Fullam writesThe Fourth Wall: Lady MacBeth

Welcome to The Fourth Wall, CHIRP's weekly e-conversation on cinema. This week's subject is the independent film Lady MacBeth

This edition is written by CHIRP Radio volunteers Kevin Fullam and Clarence Ewing.


Kevin, from the moment I finished watching Lady MacBeth until now I’ve been thinking deep thoughts. This movie is not my favorite – in fact it might be my least favorite film of the last five years or so. But it did get me thinking that, if I didn’t like this movie (and I definitely didn’t), then why I do like other stories like it?

In this movie, Florence Pugh plays Katherine, a young sociopath who lives on a huge country estate with her husband Alexander and father-in-law, each man not so much a character as a walking list of unpleasant tics. Katherine’s not getting enough affection from her husband, so she takes up with a stable hand (Cosmo Jarvis). When the intrigue of the situation escalates, she starts killing people, much to the chagrin of her black maid and only constant companion Anna (Naomi Ackie).

That’s pretty much the plot of the movie. It features several basic production shortcomings, starting with the lack of a simple time and place title card to let the audience know when and where this story is taking place. Director William Oldroyd and cinematographer Ari Wegner chose to compose the movies using a series of long, quiet, still frames which only result in several unearned jump scares and the movie itself feeling a lot longer than its 90-minute run time. If you’re going to use a technique perfected by Kubrick in Barry Lyndon, you better have more to offer than dead silence and empty rooms.

Also, the overall plot hinges on the resurrection of a particularly ugly film stereotype of the mute black servant whose main role is to be scared of their white master. This isn’t so much an unpleasant “misunderstanding” as a case of a bad filmmaking decision.

There are a lot of unanswered questions about Katherine, but very little is left to the imagination about what she is. She is a victim of abuse, but she’s also anti-social, reckless, and not so much “fierce” as “vicious” in how she deals with her problems and other people. Audience members walking into the theater thinking they’re going to be watching a feminist revisionist fantasy about Victorian-era womanhood will probably change their minds once a child becomes involved with the main character’s wrath.

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Categorized: The Fourth Wall

Alli Klein: Family of Noise writesVideo World Premiere: “Comfort Service” by So Pretty

When was the last time you lived the lavish hotel lifestyle? Now's your chance for the next 3:07 anyway...

Feast your eyes on this fresh new video from local Chicago group So Pretty for their song “Comfort Service” out now on their latest release Suck It Up from Bernice Records &Tapes. Suck It Up wears many musical genre hats over the course of the record, and "Comfort Service" sounds like a long lost B-52s B side you didn't know you were missing.

So Pretty gives a 5 star performance at their 5 star hotel make shift set. You might just get your bell rung in the pit when the kids start moshing to this one.

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Categorized: Post Mix


Clarence Ewing: The Million Year Trip writesIn Rotation: Kevin Andrew Prchal

Chicago singer/songwriter Kevin Andrew Prchal, backed by his band The Wheeling Birds and his wife Aly, invokes summer with music suitable for swining on the porch, hanging out with firends and enjoying life. Tracks from Prchal's new self-released album Love & Summer are available In Rotation and by request on CHIRP Radio.

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Categorized: In Rotation


Sophie Holtzmann writesOn Tape: Cap’n Jazz Live at the Wil-Mar Center, Madison, WI (1994)

Video courtesy of: Jose C. Slater / Words by Sophie Holtzmann

Usually I’m hesitant to re-watch clips of live shows, because you can’t help but feel you’re missing out on the special collective effervescence live music provides. But I make an exception, and a recommendation, for this early Cap’n Jazz performance of “Oh Messy Life”.

Cap’n Jazz, a home-grown Chicago band, is really everything we love about the Chicago music scene. There’s a certain something approachable and thrown together about the group, with music that matches. There’s no better case study in this than in this show captured from the band’s early days while playing in Madison, Wisconsin. Armored in old t-shirts and pants that look like they’ve seen a better decade, the (at the time) 5-piece band lays down one of my personally favorite renditions of “Oh Messy Life.”

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Categorized: On Tape


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