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The CHIRP Blog

Erin Van Ness writesCHIRP’s Fall Campaign Kicks off Today!

Well folks, it’s here, whether you are ready or not. Fall is in the air. Time for bands to get their vans fueled up for this year’s epic tour. Time to finish up those citrus beers and make room in your fridge for the welcoming taste of Oktoberfest. Dig that beloved hoodie from under your bed and heck, make some chili while you’re at it.

Here at CHIRP, fall also is the time of year where we hold our semi-annual membership drive and reach out to our amazing and loyal listeners for support. You know the ones we’re talking about. You, who proudly wears your CHIRP button on your backpack and has a CHIRP sticker on your car. You, who uses the CHIRP iPhone app to listen on the train and at work. You, who has asked your local coffee shop to play CHIRP Radio through the speakers. And you, who simply enjoys the station and encourages your friends to check it out.

Yep, we are talking to you. And we want to thank you for being so darn loyal and invite you to help us celebrate the community effort that makes CHIRP something special. Let the world know that you have helped make CHIRP the coolest radio station in Chicago! Just visit and become a member today.

We have a goal of $10,000 to raise in the next two weeks, and we need your help to hit that mark. Starting today and running through September 30, you can donate to CHIRP Radio and receive these outstanding gifts:

  • A gift of $60 gets you a CHIRP Stainless Steel Bottle Opener – Because you have to actually open those Oktoberfest brews.
  • A gift of $120 gets you a newly designed CHIRP T-shirt – To sport fashionably at your favorite shows this fall.
  • A gift of $180 gets you the bottle opener and the T-shirt – Let’s face it, you need both.
  • A gift of $240 gets you a CHIRP Messenger Bag – Big enough to fit your vinyl!
  • A gift of $365 gets you ALL THREE! – Because you love CHIRP, and we love you.

So please, help us to reach our goal of $10,000 by visiting Providing the best in local music, arts and all-around general awesomeness isn’t an easy task. But we’re up to the challenge. Help support our mission and become a member today. You make CHIRP Radio possible.

Share September 19, 2011 Share on Facebook Tweet This!

Categorized: CHIRP Radio News and Info.

Next entry: Introducing Off Book, a new Chicago Theater Review Show from ChicagoNow’s The Fourth Walsh!

Previous entry: This Week with CHIRP Radio (Week of Sept. 19)