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Get the scoop of what it's really like commuting by bike everywhere from the brave souls who've experieced it firsthand: past Car for Bike Traders of the annual New Belgium Brewery Tour de Fat celebration of all things bicylce, man's greatest invention.
Over the next couple weeks CHIRP Radio is taking some time to honor past Car for Bike Traders with a little Q&A. CHIRP Radio is partnered with New Belgium Brewery for the 2015 Tour de Fat celebration in Palmer Square on Saturday, July 11.
This week we bring you Adam Wonak, challenge winner of 2014.
CHIRP: Where do you currently live and what are you doing these days?
Wonak: I'm living in the West Loop/Noble Square area. I moved here from Logan Square earlier this year. I'm working as a Software Engineer.
CHIRP: Why did you take the challenge to give up your car?
Wonak: I'd been interested in the car-for-bike trade for a number of years. I'd had the same car since college but had been using it less and less--my bike had become my primary mode of transportation a while back. The idea of living car free was very appealing to me, and the chance to ceremoniously trade in my car for a bike in exchange for a year of car-free living seemed like a fitting way to finally make that happen.
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