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Current DJ: Klee

The World is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die January 10th, 2014 from Harmlessness (Epitaph) Add to Collection

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CHIRP Radio Charts

Top 50 for the Week of 01/13/2025

  1. DrasiiSpirito Celeste (FPE)
  2. Staring ProblemEquinox (Modern Tapes)
  3. Kendrick LamarGNX (PGLang/Interscope)
  4. hemlock444 (self-released)
  5. Various ArtistsReady! Aim!! 1!2!3!4! - A Tribute To M.O.T.O. (Chain Smoking)
  6. Michael KiwanukaSmall Changes (Polydor)
  7. Sofie RoyerYoung-Girl Forever (Stones Throw)
  8. FazerdazeSoft Power (section1)
  9. Kim DealNobody Loves You More (4AD)
  10. Various ArtistsTRAИƧA (Red Hot)
  11. Tuff SudzTough Suds (Tough Soundz )
  12. 6kittyUnder Pins (Hardstop)
  13. The EffigiesFor Ever Grounded (40th Anniversary Edition) (BFD)
  14. The Bongo HopLa Pata Coja (Underdog)
  15. Saint EtienneThe Night (Heavenly)
  16. Jessica WolfbirdEverything's True (self-released)
  17. Cameron WinterHeavy Metal (Partisan)
  18. MorphoMorpho Season (Hit the North)
  19. Black Cat Heart AttackA Rough Tongue (Hit Refresh)
  20. RogêCuryman II (Diamond West)
  21. Kelly FinniganA Lover Was Born (Colemine)
  22. WussyCincinnati Ohio (Shake It)
  23. Hunger AnthemLift (Cornelius Chapel)
  24. YesnessSee You at the Solipsist Convention (Joyful Noise)
  25. anoceanclimbing walls EP (self-released)
  26. Keri Johnsrud & Shawn MaxwellC₈H₁₀N₄O₂ (self-released)
  27. Billy Joel Jr.Rubberhose (self-released)
  28. Chris Greene QuartetConversance (Pravda)
  29. Brian NastyAnywhere, But Here With You (Big Dada)
  30. Brother AliSatisfied Soul (Mello Music)
  31. Beachwood SparksAcross The River of Stars (Curation)
  32. AstrachanCleaner Than Clean (Happen Twice)
  33. SiPLeos Ultras (Not Not Fun)
  34. FenneszMosaic (P-Vine)
  35. Lauren MayberryVicious Creature (Island)
  36. Various ArtistsNeptunes (Smugglers Way)
  37. Man-eatersQuatro Muchachos (Feel It)
  38. Tiny Moving PartsDeep in the Blue (self-released)
  39. QlowskiThe Wound (Maple Death/Feel It)
  40. Main EraArchie (Pleasure Tapes)
  41. UnletteredFive Mile Point (self-released)
  42. Dean & Britta & Sonic BoomA Peace of Us (Carpark)
  43. CrackerAlternative History: A Cracker Retrospective (Cooking Vinyl)
  44. Nicky LawrenceUgly Black Woman (Gypsy Soul)
  45. NAO11Final Outro (self-released)
  46. Las PalabrasFe (La Castanya)
  47. CarlitaSentimental (Ninja Tune)
  48. Big'nThe End Comes Too Soon (Computer Students)
  49. LykantheaSome Viscera (self-released)
  50. Local the NeighbourVALLEY pt. 2 (Slightly Above Average)

This week's adds

  1. Body FuturesDo Not Befriend The Reaper (self-released)
  2. CIAO MALZSafe Then Sorry (Audio Antihero)
  3. Duller ColorsStill Wicked Bad ( self-released )
  4. Eleanor JawurlngaliEleanor Jawurlngali EP (self-released)
  5. Ethel CainPerverts (Daughers of Cain)
  6. Franz FerdinandThe Human Fear (Domino)
  7. Heet DethBad Reading (self-released )
  8. Kris & JerryA Sunny Day (Frederiksberg )
  9. Lambrini GirlsWho Let the Dogs Out (City Slang)
  10. RotundosRotundos (self-released)
  11. Shining GlassYellow & Purple (self-released)
  12. the innocence missionMidwinter Swimmers (Thérèse)
  13. The Raspberry JamsKitty Cat Fever (self-released)

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