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It looks as though Christian “Dark Knight” Bale really does have some anger issues to deal with. If you remember the incident he had a few months back when he shoved his own mother, then you probably won’t be surprised to hear this bit of audio recording from a profanity laced outburst that happened on the set of Terminator 4. Celebrity gossip site TMZ reports that “During a scene, Shane Hurlbut (seriously), director of cinematography, screwed up a shot — at least in Christian’s mind. We’re told Bale went wild, screaming “I will kick your ass” along with some other choice remarks. Several hundred people — including Military Police — heard the outburst, which was described as “intense.”
The audio recording that film execs sent the tape to the insurance company to insured the film in case Bale bailed was leaked to the internet, and has already inspired the LA band Mae-Shi to record an audio tribute to Bale, the consummate professional.
As Brad Shi explains “We thought it was so crazy that we, The Mae Shi, wrote and recorded a song about it. I should clarify and say that this isn’t really a Mae Shi song, it’s a tribute song we made to celebrate the epic-ness of Christian Bale. Bale’s performance as John Connor in the upcoming Terminator 4 “Redemption” Film will no doubt be one of the greatest of all time. He will win every Oscar for his performance, even the special effects and animation ones.”
Download the song here:
Revolucian (producer for the new RuPaul album) made a remix as well.
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