Time for Chicago to make up for its annual eight months of winter. With this summer’s upcoming music, art, and food festivals, there’s officially no excuse to be home on the weekends until October. CHIRP Radio will be at many of these events, so make sure to say hello!
The next step in music distribution is supposedly going to stick everything in “The Cloud.” Apple is close to joining Amazon.com in the race to become Cloud-Bearer of Choice. What could possibly go wrong? That is, other than the constant threat of getting hacked?
Speaking of hackers, Lollapalooza is beating them to the punch by giving access to their concert data to anyone who wants it, and awarding prizes to those who can do cool things with it.
Want to know where the next hot music scene is? Look south. Alternative music is booming in Mexico.
In the music business, sometimes you have to go mainstream to survive. eMusic did just that. So how’s it working out?
Music manager, publicist, journalist and photographer Wyndham Wallace writes a passionate and detailed account of how the music industry is killing music and blaming the fans.
Bob Seger’s polished, radio-friendly pop songs are on permanent rotation all over the dial everywhere in America. There was a time, though, when he walked more on the wild side.
The Reading List is a weekly collection of interesting, important, and thought-provoking articles about music from around the Web. Click here to suggest an article.
(LISTEN to CHIRP Radio.)