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Welcome to our new volunteer feature: CHIRP Champions! We'll be using this space to highlight special folks within the CHIRP sphere who have been recognized by their peers for making extraordinary contributions to the organization. Next up is Volunteer Coordinator Caroline Pendleton!
I moved to Chicago from Austin, TX in July 2022 (happy 2nd Chicagoversary to me!) and started volunteering with CHIRP in November of that year. I've been involved with radio in some capacity since DJing in college (KNTU at the University of North Texas)––CHIRP seemed like a surefire way to get dialed into the local music scene and meet new folks!
Right now, I'm listening to a lot of Hannah Frances––I haven't had a chance to catch her live yet (though here's hoping), but Keeper of the Shepherd is my favorite release of the year, local or no. It reminds me a little bit of Joanna Newsom's Ys or Van Morrison's Astral Weeks, in that it's almost song cycle-like and has super intricate arrangements that almost feel improvisational at points. And this isn't an artist, but I'm also a big fan of the Numero Group, which is an archival label based here––they unearth stuff that didn't get its due on initial release and give it new life via reissue or compilation. Their finds never steer you wrong!
I'm deeply grateful to have caught Low at the Metro in February 2022 before the passing of Mimi Parker. (It was also my first show in Chicago! Whatta gift!) They mostly played stuff from HEY WHAT, and there's something about that glitchy material that makes you forget to exhale. Plus, even at their quietest you can always feel a Low show on a vibrational level.
Tough choice, but probably With Sympathy-era Ministry at the Metro, circa 1983. Fortunately, there's footage out there!
I'm excited for the Record Fair, both at Pitchfork and in the Fall! You get to watch crate-digging masters in action, and the vendors have some great stuff. Last year I found an album that'd been on my wishlist for ages!
Next entry: CHIRP Radio Weekly Voyages (Jul 22 - Jul 28)
Previous entry: CHIRP Champion: Alli Hagg