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The CHIRP Blog

Dave McGovern writesCHIRP Radio’s Best of 2023: Dave McGovern

CHIRP Radio Best of 2023

Throughout December, CHIRP Radio presents its volunteers’ top albums of 2023. Our next list is from Director of Digital Marketing and Sponsorships Dave McGovern.










#1 Hagata by Teke::Teke (Kill Rockstars)

BUY: Reckless / Amazon

Teke::Teke HagataThe Motreal-based pysch rockers sophmore album's sound left me sonically flabergasted after the first spin of this outstanding album. My only note I wrote was "Did this change my brain?"

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Categorized: Best Albums of the Year


Chris Siuty writesCHIRP Radio’s Best of 2023: Chris Siuty

CHIRP Radio Best of 2023

Throughout December, CHIRP Radio presents its volunteers’ top albums of 2023. Our next list is from DJ Chris Siuty: Friday Night Freak Out!.

No particular order. This year was a tough one to narrow down, because so much great music came out! It's the most new music I've consumed in a very long time and the albums I thought would be on this list back in May are surprisingly absent. That isn't commentary on the quality of those albums, but the overall quality of the year in releases. While the world falls apart around us, here are my favorite albums of 2023.







Silences by Medicine (Laner Archival Services)

BUY: Reckless / Amazon

Medicine SilencesI've been a Brad Laner fan since hearing Shot Forth Self Living back in high school. I can honestly say that Medicine has a damn-near perfect discography without a single stinker in the bunch. This album is some great psychedelic shoegaze/dream pop in the same vein as their previous releases. Medicine will always be towards the top of any year end list for me.

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Categorized: Best Albums of the Year


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