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The CHIRP Blog

Clarence Ewing: The Million Year Trip writesJoin CHIRP for a Loveless Listening Party on Sunday the 20th

This Sunday is a Classic Album Sunday, and man have they got a doozy lined up for us. Thanks to the Internet, there’s been plenty written and discussed over the years about Loveless, My Bloody Valentine’s 1991 magnum opus. It’s still not enough. On the surface it’s a blast furnace of sound that demands listening at the highest possible volume levels. The layers of expression and meaning contained in the sonic assault are numerous and all-enveloping. While this album is renowned for starting and perhaps ending the Shoegaze movement (click here for a playlist of other artists and bands that formed under its influence), it transcends Shoegaze, it transcends is simply one of the greatest albums ever made.

On Sunday evening, as part of Classic Album Sundays' network of listening parties being held around the world, the album will be listened to and discussed at Saturday Audio Exchange, 1021 W. Belmont Avenue Chicago, IL 60657. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased here.

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