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CHIRP Radio's Citations presents interesting and informative content about Chicago or music (or both) from around the Web.
A perfect addition to your at-home movie watching experience, this assemblage of "snipes," was put together by the great folks at the Chicago Film Society. Watching it straight through is the best kind of trippy, Night Flight-esque stroll down our collective memory lanes.
In the words of CFS:
Assembling the reels of snipes and trailers we show before the feature presentations is one of our favorite parts of showing a movie.
These little bits of cinema ephemera — some as short as two seconds long — are among the most treasured items in the CFS film collection. (When you think about the thousands of people who watched them over the years, an advertisement for "Steamed or Grilled Hot Dogs" can become a two hanky movie).
Since we can't show them to you in public, we've posted a reel of digitized snipes, daters, and theatre ads on our Vimeo page for you to enjoy.
"Thread them up" before your next streaming or laserdisc binge at home.
All were generously scanned by our friend (and snipe expert) Walter Forsberg.
CFS Snipe Reel from Chicago Film Society on Vimeo.
CHIRP Radio's Citations presents interesting and informative content about Chicago or music (or both) from around the Web.
At some point in the future, there WILL come a time when we can step outside our doors and not have to worry as much about social distancing and how to prevent a deadly disease from spreadng. Until then, we can always take time ro reflect on our fair city and what makes it special.
This video from the series Wolters World puts a twist on the regular traveler's tour, providing advice on what NOT to do when visiting Chicago. It's always nice to get a different perspective on what makes Chicago fun and interesting.
Isolation Hustle, The new self-released album from Chicago musician Couple II, is in rotation on CHIRP Radio 107.1 FM Chicago!
CHIRP Radio's Citations presents interesting and informative content about Chicago or music (or both) from around the Web.
(This post originally appeared on the blog in January 2015)
The new self-titled and self-released album from Chicago band A.M. Slingers, is in rotation on CHIRP Radio 107.1 FM Chicago!