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Entries on the topic of “Exit West” 1 results

moimoi writesThe “Exit West” Playlist

This September, the Chicago Pubic Library selected Moshsin Hamid's novel, Exit West, as its "One Book, One Chicago" selection for 2020, describing is as " astonishingly visionary love story that imagines the forces that drive ordinary people from their homes into the uncertain embrace of new lands."

And for another year, the Library invited us here at CHIRP to create]">create[/url] a playlist to accompany the reading.

CHIRP Radio volunteer and DJ Moizza Khan reflects on the novel and presents a playlist]">playlist[/url] of music that captures the themes and spirit of this work.

“We are all migrants through time.”

In 1968, my dad came to Chicago as an international student from India, working multiple jobs and living with multiple roommates as he studied engineering at the UIC Circle campus. Shortly after his arrival, he got word that his father back in Hyderabad had passed away. He never got to say goodbye and, over time and migration, he would  lose nearly all direct family ties to India.

Life in the Midwest has never been particularly welcoming to foreigners, and though my childhood was in many ways typical, I never fit in or felt the same nostalgia for the suburbs as the kids I grew up with.

My goal was to spend at least half of my 20s outside the U.S. and the only thing that kept me from achieving this was my father’s health problems after he became a widower. My greatest fear was that, like him, I would get word of his passing from thousands of miles away and never get to say goodbye.

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Topics: exit west